
What You Should Know About Marijuana Deliveries in California

Understanding cannabis delivery regulations in California.

Interestingly, the state of California has legalized cannabis delivery throughout the state, even in municipalities that have chosen to ban cannabis-related businesses.  This means that California is the first state to completely legalize marijuana home delivery.  However, it is still important to know the laws that pertain to your delivery company.  Here’s what you need to know about cannabis delivery regulations in California.

  • How much marijuana can you deliver at a time?

For non-concentrated cannabis, retailers can deliver up to 28.5 grams of product.  For concentrated cannabis, retailers can deliver up to 8 grams.  For medical marijuana, retailers can only sell up to 8 oz of product in the form of dried mature flowers.  Please keep in mind that these numbers are in regards to single day purchases.

  • Can someone else accept a delivery?

No; only the customer that has ordered the cannabis can receive the delivery.  Before handing over the packages, the driver will ask for a valid form of photo ID to confirm the customer’s identity and ensure that they are aged 21 or older.

  • How much cannabis can delivery vehicles carry at once?

According to Times-Standard, a delivery vehicle can carry up to $5,000 worth of product.  Additionally, delivery vehicles cannot, in any way, indicate that it is carrying cannabis products.

  • How old do delivery drivers need to be?

Cannabis delivery drivers must be aged 21 or older.

These are some of the most important cannabis delivery regulations in California.  Do you have additional questions regarding the cannabis industry or your commercial or industrial real estate needs? If so, contact the experts at California Commercial Realty Advisors, Inc.  Our dedicated team is ready to assist you today.

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