
How Well-Designed Workspaces Affect Productivity

Having an organized, well-designed workspace will mean increased productivity for your business.

As your business looks to recruit and retain top talent, you may be working on offering better employee benefits and other perks. However, have you considered the fact that your actual place of business can be viewed as a major selling point for your company? Many companies are starting to highlight well-designed and innovative workspaces to attract promising applicants. Here are some of the workplace design elements that you may want to consider for your own company.

Natural Lighting

Nowadays, employees do not want to be caught in windowless rooms illuminated by sickly overhead fluorescent bulbs. Instead, offices are trying to incorporate more natural and softer artificial lighting into their workspaces. Studies have linked exposure to sunlight to improved moods and increased productivity. So, incorporating windows and skylights into your business could actually boost employee morale and productivity. Additionally, but investing in light fixtures that mimic natural lighting, you can ensure that the office environment stays lively, even on overcast or gloomy days.

Technical Innovations

Incorporating technological innovations into your workplace design is another way to attract and retain employees. For instance, consider making your business wireless. The use of company laptops, tablets, and smartphones will allow your employees more flexibility in where they work. As they are free to move around the entirety of your business’s property, employees will have an easier time collaborating or secluding themselves, depending on their personal preferences. This adaptability and personalization will endear both prospective and current employees to your company.

Employee Amenities

Finally, businesses can attract applicants and keep current employees happy by offering their staff certain amenities. Keep in mind that your offerings do not necessarily have to be on the same level as major corporations such as Google or Amazon. Merely offering things like coffee stations, meeting rooms, and outdoor workspaces are enough to charm your staff. This loyalty will translate into better and harder work from your employees.

These are some of the ways in which well-designed workspaces can lead to increased productivity. Looking for the perfect space to inspire your employees? Turn to the team at California Commercial Realty Advisors, Inc. Contact us for assistance with all your industrial and commercial real estate needs.

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